An Outright Gift of Securities

Save in Taxes This Year

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If you would like to support Easterseals with a tax-smart donation this year, a gift of appreciated stocks, bonds or other marketable securities that you have held for more than one year may be just the right gift for you.

How It Works

Illustration of how a gift of securities works. When you give securities to a charitable organization, and you may receive an income tax deduction. The charitable organization sells the securities and receives cash to use for your gift's purpose.

Your Benefits

When making a gift of appreciated securities owned for more than one year, you will receive a double tax benefit:

  1. You qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction based on the current fair market value of the securities, regardless of their original cost.
  2. You can reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes on any increase in the value of the securities—taxes you would pay if you had otherwise sold them.

Steps to Take to Make Your Gift

  1. If you have the physical securities, either hand-deliver them to us or mail us the stocks and stock power separately.
  2. If you don't have possession of the physical securities, instruct your broker to electronically transfer your intended shares and notify at Easterseals once the transfer is complete.




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